Call to Action!

Several Hindu temples have been attacked across USA and Canada. The kind of biased reporting and propaganda we see in the context of ‘Ayodhya Ram Mandir Prana Pratishtha’, creates an environment of hate, and distrust resulting in physical harm to the Hindu American society. Read and Sign the Petition / Coalition Letter along with other Organizations, Temples, Associations in your city, region. Help resist the rise in Hinduphobia!

Call to Action: Post campaign, share the summary in your organization network, to your local Hindu Community, and to the stakeholders including your elected officials, interfaith groups

Hindu Americans denounce biased media coverage

Hindus Americans are deeply concerned with the unfair reporting in the western media portraying the Prana Pratishtha (consecration) ceremony at Ayodhya on Jan 22nd 2024. These reports ignore basic facts such as peaceful struggle by Hindus for over 500 years, unanimous verdict by Supreme Court handing over the disputed land etc. 

As well meaning members of American society we are dismayed that the US and international media (Bloomberg News, TIME, US NEWs, NBC, NPR to name a few) have completely ignored the facts. It is appalling that  they did not include even a single authentic Hindu voice in any of the media coverages on the grand inauguration.

Here are the indisputable facts about the case:

  • There was a large Hindu temple at the site prior to 1528.
  • Mir Baqi, the commander of invader Babur, destroyed the temple at the site.
  • Over 496+ years Hindus have fought more than 76 battles to reclaim the temple.
  • Court cases have been pursued by Hindus since the British era.
  • In a court ordered and monitored investigation, archeologists of Govt of India have discovered temple remains at the disputed site 
  • Construction of the temple has been taken up by a trust setup as per the court judgment.
  • Five judge bench of the highest court of India  handed over the site to Hindus in an unanimous verdict in 2019.
  • The entire cost of construction of the temple has been borne by people of India
As members of the Hindu American community, who celebrated the long awaited historic event of grand temple inauguration all across the USA, we are deeply concerned and disappointed at propaganda through the unfair and biased media coverage. 
Several Hindu temples have been attacked across USA and Canada. The kind of biased reporting and propaganda we see in the context of ‘Ayodhya Ram Mandir Prana Pratishtha’, creates an environment of hate, and distrust resulting in physical harm to the Hindu American society. 
We urge all well meaning people, including law enforcement officers, representatives of various communities, and political offices to take note of the misinformation, propaganda that could cause harm to the Hindu American community.

Watch for a crisp analysis of international media coverage

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