Hindu Temple Vandalized with Pro-Khalistan Graffiti in Newark, CA

Graffiti supporting a separate Sikh homeland was found at a Hindu temple in Newark, California.

Police are investigating it as a potential hate crime due to its targeted nature and intimidating message.

The incident drew condemnation from various organizations, including the Consulate General of India.

The vandalism is linked to the pro-Khalistan movement, which seeks an independent Sikh state.

Key Points:

The vandalism occurred at the SMVS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir on December 22nd, 2023.

Temple leaders believe it was intended to intimidate them.

The graffiti supported the Khalistan movement, which has increased its activities following the death of a key figure.

This incident adds to existing diplomatic tensions between India and other countries regarding Khalistani separatists.

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