By Geeta Sikand, Director of Communications Americans For Hindus Cisco Systems and the Hindu/Indian American community, scored a significant victory in May 2024 when the court penalized the California Civil Rights Department (CRD) in its high-profile caste discrimination lawsuit filed on behalf of a “Dalit” employee at Cisco. The Civil Rights Department (CRD) has been sanctioned, as the court awarded…

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In these turbulent times, the sinister machinations of the organization “HINDUS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS” (HfHR) have plunged the “Hindu” community into a maelstrom of anguish, deprivation, and unrelenting fear. What masqueraded as a bastion of representation for the “Hindu” community has unveiled itself as nothing short of a cesspool of venomous hatred, deliberate misinformation, and the vilest forms of bigotry.…

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A report by Professor Geeta Sikand, a Community Activist and Director of Communication at Americans for Hindus, a bipartisan Independent Political Action Committee. An ongoing barrage of venomous hate-filled anti-Hindu narratives has led to the epitome of Hinduphobia, hate-mongering, and bigotry in North America. Of note, the Hinduphobia phenomenon is also known by its many cognate terms like Hindumisia, Hindutvaphobia,…

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Professor Geeta summarized the Hinduphobic publications and responses from the Los Angeles Times (LA Times) and suggested a comprehensive action plan for the media to remedy the situation in the future. Hinduphobia is rife in the United States,  FBI Reports highlight that anti-Hindu hate crimes doubled in a year. Professor Geeta has been continuously responding to the hateful reports by…

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India witnessed a historic moment on 22nd January 2024. Ayodhya – known as birthplace of Bhagwan Ram (considered to be an Avatar of  Vishnu), finally got its Ram Mandir (Temple) again at the site called Ramjanma Bhoomi. This was a generational struggle for Hindus and Ram devotees since the 1500s. Many consider this as a civilizational moment, witnessing in their lifetime. Including America, and…

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A Hindu American professor, Prof. Geeta, shares her distressing experience with the Los Angeles Times when she flagged the biased anti-Hindu coverage of the recent rebuilding and consecration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, India. A prestigious and popular paper, the “Los Angeles Times” denies the space for views from minority Hindu Americans. The misinformation, bias, and half-truths published by…

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Graffiti supporting a separate Sikh homeland was found at a Hindu temple in Newark, California. Police are investigating it as a potential hate crime due to its targeted nature and intimidating message. The incident drew condemnation from various organizations, including the Consulate General of India. The vandalism is linked to the pro-Khalistan movement, which seeks an independent Sikh state. Key…

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