Why has the LA Times Silenced American Hindu Voices Against Hinduphobia?

Professor Geeta compiled her experiences with writing rebuttals to Hinduphobic media coverages.

Hinduphobia and the silencing of our Hindu Voices by the Los Angeles Times (LA Times) are becoming louder each day. The LA Times has failed to respond coherently to a rise in anti-Hindu hate. Actually, it has contributed to it. 

Take this: Even the White House left out  “Hinduphobia”  in its recent proclamation on Religious Freedom Day in January 2024. Not surprisingly, severe and pervasive Hinduphobia has reached a dangerous level. We Hindus have been robbed of our voices. This has led to a very detrimental impact such as a corrosive increase in Hinduphobia.  

A very difficult and tumultuous time for us Hindus.  I seek this conversation with courage and humility. I ask the LA Times: Do our Hindu concerns matter as much as the others? Does the LA Times think that others have more rights to be heard than my Hindu community? Isn’t silence violence? The Voice of Hindus published two articles on my rebuttals to the LA Times’s Hinduphobic reporting. 

Let’s figure this out. At the turn of this century, an important shift occurred among Hindus in India and the world over.   Hindus began to finally shake off their colonial mindset, realizing that  Hindutva (Sanatana Dharma) traditions and practices are preferable to Abrahamic religions.  Likely connected to this Hindu renaissance, the Western media, the California Civil Rights Department, and the Academes promptly began to portray Hindus, especially Brahmins, falsely as oppressors of minorities. One stereotype is the caste discrimination hoax by anti-Hindu activists who parlayed into a bill (SB403) in California that stereotypes and condemns Hindus. Watch the Hinduphobic bigoted trainings and seminars provided by Thenmozhi Soundararajan of Equality Labs; the primary supporter of the discriminatory SB 403 legislation.  Thankfully, Governor Newsom vetoed the bill.  

Importantly, despite my repeated requests to the LA Times Columnist Mr. Jeong Park who interviewed me, then refused to interview the victim Mr. Sundar Iyer. Mr. Iyer was falsely accused of practicing caste discrimination because he had a Hindu-Brahmin last name by the California CRD in the Cisco caste discrimination case. The CRD withdrew this case with prejudice. Sadly, the CRD had already ruined the reputation of Mr Iyer. Clearly, Mr. Jeong Park’s article was biased in favor of the supporters of SB 403. He did not want to know the truth from Mr Iyer because it would not suit the false narrative of the LA Times. Journalistic malpractice by the LA Times?  (For Rebuttals regarding the Caste issue, please see Exhibits 1.7, 1.32, 1.31, 1.30, 1.26, 1.24, 1.23, 1.10).  California’s caste discrimination bill SB-403 is itself discriminatory. 

Of note, the DMK party’s ideology in Tamil Nadu, India is behind Equality Labs, the primary sponsor of SB 403, and a DMK leader recently called for the eradication of Hinduism.  These facts are ignored by the LA Times and by the mainstream Western media.

In response to the ongoing vitriolic disinformation campaign against Hindus by the LA Times,  I, Geeta, have decided to go public with all of my 35 rejoinders/rebuttals in response to 33 Hinduphobia articles (See Table for a summary). I wrote these to the LA Times over the past four years (May 19th, 2019 to February 5th, 2024, Exhibits 1.1 to 1.35). It’s mind-boggling and so, so disappointing as to why a single rebuttal was not published. In this article, I share the emotionally painful road upon which I and my fellow Hindu Americans have traveled and still continue to travel. It’s time for us to speak up. Silence is violence.  


  • Exhibit 1: A total of 35 rebuttals/rejoinders  I wrote to the LA Times in response to its vitriolic, anti-Hindu, anti-India, anti-Modi disinformation campaign. None were published. (Exhibits 1.1- 1.35)
  • Exhibit 1.30: Shows LA Times journalists and editorial team ignored our invitation to attend the conference titled “Dissolve Caste Consciousness” by castecon.com. Seems the LA Times did not want to be educated. 
  • Exhibit 1.29: Shows LA Times columnists and editorial team ignored our invitation to attend a webinar titled “Busting Myths of India’s Oppression of Its Minorities’ on Saturday, July 29th, 2023 10 am PST. It is evident, that the LA Times did not want to be educated.  
  • Exhibit 2.0: Op-ed piece I submitted to the LA Times, titled  “Will Governor Newsom Veto SB 403 to Stop the Gaslighting of Hindus?”  It was not published.

Exhibits 1.1-1.35: Scroll down to view my 35 rejoinders/rebuttals, I wrote to the the LA Times in response to its anti-Hindu hate articles from May 2019 to February 2024.

Year 2024 (2 rebuttals), Year 2023 (14 rebuttals), Year 2022 (9 rebuttals),  Year 2021 (5 rebuttals), Year 2020 (3 rebuttals), Year 2019 (2 rebuttals)

Year 2024:  I submitted two rejoinders to date (1.34 and 1.35)

Exhibit 1.35

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta <@.com>

Date: Mon, Feb 5, 2024 at 8:23 AM

Subject: Response to LA Times February 2nd, 2024, Page A 9 Op-Ed “Is Narendra Modi’s India still a democracy?” By Bob Drogin

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Cc: Kraft, Scott <scott.kraft@latimes.com>, Becerra, Hector <Hector.Becerra@latimes.com>, John Canalis LA times <john.canalis@latimes.com>, Readers Representative <readers.representative@latimes.com>, Suhag @.org>, Samir @.org>

Re LA Times February 2nd, 2024, Page A 9 Op-Ed “Is Narendra Modi’s India still a democracy?” By Bob Drogin https://enewspaper.latimes.com/desktop/latimes/default.aspx?pubid=50435180-e58e-48b5-8e0c-236bf740270e&edid=1022bcfd-a674-4ee3-9d20-d9db11d27289&pnum=9

Dear Editor

The battle for journalistic accountability in a culture of impunity in which reality increasingly plays second fiddle to disinformation is evidenced by the Times baseless claims questioning whether Modi’s India is still a democracy. In truth, the author’s flawed analysis of Modi being an autocrat is a misdirected criticism against India. Subverting the evidence from respected organizations like the Pew Research Center’s “Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation” findings that all minorities in India feel free to practice their religion is journalistic malpractice. It’s not a stretch to respond in the same breath, “Yes, reliable evidence shows Modi’s India is still a democracy.”   Importantly, misdirected criticism by the Times only propagates Hinduphobia and Hindumisia and places the lives of American Hindus at risk. Anti-India bias by the Times deserves scrutiny, especially now that a new Editor has taken charge at the Times.


Exhibit 1.34

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta

Date: Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 10:06 AM

Subject: Re LA Times article The faithful preserve India’s sacred forests By Deepa Bharath 1/30/2024 Page A2 https://enewspaper.latimes.com/desktop/latimes/default.aspx?pubid=50435180-e58e-48b5-8e0c-236bf740270e&edid=472e5bc1-db98-4e74-a6eb-223307be87eb&pnum=2

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

As a Hindu-American from India, I read this article with great interest. I am disappointed the Times refrained from acknowledging Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) in this article when it referred to the “Indigenous religion” of Indians. When the Colonizers arrived in Bharat (India) in the 18th century, they stripped us of our true identity (and our self-esteem), by renaming us “Indians” instead of “Bhartiya;” renaming our country “India” instead of “Bharat,” renaming our religion “Hinduism” instead of “Sanatan Dharma.” Furthermore, the article states “In the Indigenous religion, everything is sacred-animals, plants, trees, rivers,” and “They follow the pantheistic* religion, which holds that God exists in everyone and everything.” Both these quotes are borrowed from the 10,000 years old Hindu scriptures,** the “Advaita Vedanta.”  Could the Times remedy its continuing complacency of obfuscating my Hindu religion and thereby stop hurting the sentiments of my Hindu community?

*Examples of pantheism can be seen in Hinduism. In Hinduism, the only reality and supreme unity are Brahmaan or divinity. Study.com

** Essence of Hinduism Path of the Ancient Wisdom by Dr Hiro G Badlani www.hinduismpath.com


Year 2023, I submitted 14 Rejoinders (1.20–1.33)

Exhibit 1.33

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Wed, Nov 1, 2023 at 9:11 AM

Subject: LA Times October 31st 2023 by Parth MN “Website tracks anti-Muslim hate crimes in India” Page A2 https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2023-10-30/india-anti-muslim-hate-crimes-speech-rising

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

As a Hindu-American, I am appalled by Parth’s false assertion that Muslims are persistently persecuted in India. The truth is quite the opposite. If you provide only ten proofs of persecution of Muslims in India, there are at least 1,000 links about Muslims who either raped, beheaded, killed, or chopped Hindu girls in 35 pieces in the past 3 years alone in India and 1,000 links worldwide about atrocities by Muslims on others. https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/attacks/attacks.aspx?Yr=Last30 

This is only the tip of the iceberg! Details of all 44,380 Islamist terrorist attacks on Hindus in the past 23 years alone are noted in Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/

Why doesn’t Parth question the real persecution of Hindus, Christians, and Sikhs by Muslims in Pakistan? Why are these minority populations down to 1.6% from 23% in 1947 in Pakistan? It behooves the Times to stop its anti-Hindu hate campaign against Hindus. 

The work of the LA Times for combating Islamophobia is laudable. Are Hindus less equal than Muslims? 


Exhibit 1. 32 

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 10:12 AM

Subject: LA Times 10-23-2023 By George Skelton “Like Predecessors, Newsom is quick to wield veto pen” Page B https://enewspaper.latimes.com/desktop/latimes/default.aspx?pubid=50435180-e58e-48b5-8e0c-236bf740270e&edid=77bf29d0-e83e-4afb-a0ae-a776f0028870&pnum=13

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Thankfully, Governor Newsom vetoed the duplicit caste bill (SB 403) on October 7th,  2023. He wrote, “everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect” and “caste is already prohibited under these existing categories, this bill is unnecessary.”

Hateful comments like ‘Upper-caste Indians are Nazis, murderers and rapists’ were made during public trainings and seminars by Thenmozhi Soundararajan of Equality Labs; the primary supporter of this legislation.

Hindus and Sikhs traveled to Sacramento to oppose the bill at the Senate and Assembly Hearings. We reached out to our legislators via phone calls, emails, local hearings, personal and virtual meetings. We could not convince our elected officials. Sadly, our fellow activist, Mr. Milind Makwana, lost his life from a heart attack soon after he spoke at a hearing. The Hindu community had felt totally silenced. With Governor Newsom’s veto, he delivered a victory for the civil rights of all Californians.


Exhibit 1. 31 

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 9:19 AM

Subject: LA Times article October 7th 2023 Jeung Park & Suhauna Hussain “Gov. Newsom vetoes bill banning caste discrimination in the workplace, housing and beyond”

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor


This article is irresponsible. First, the statement, “Some Hindu Americans — a number of which have ties to right-wing Hindu nationalist groups in India — had pushed back against the bill……..is hinduphobic.”  

Second, my quoted statement is both grammatically incorrect and without context, “The right to practice my religion of fundamental constitutional rights is mine,” said Geeta Sikand…. instead of stating “The right to practice my religion is my fundamental constitutional right.” Contextually, SB 403 would lead to a cultural genocide of Hindus due to an increase in racial profiling, stigmatizing, and bullying.

Finally, the false hinduphobic statement by TS “Wahab and Dalit rights activists faced harassment and threats of rape and death for their anti-caste advocacy,”  is reprehensible. It was our side that faced threats at the Cupertino City Council meeting on July 18th, 2023. Mr. Milind Makwana was pushed and threatened leading to a fatal heart attack that evening. 

This article is irresponsible. First, the statement, “Some Hindu Americans — a number of which have ties to right-wing Hindu nationalist groups in India — had pushed back against the bill……..is hinduphobic.”  

Second, my quoted statement is both grammatically incorrect and without context. “The right to practice my religion of fundamental constitutional rights is mine,” said Geeta Sikand…. instead of “The right to practice my religion is my fundamental constitutional right.” SB 403 would lead to a cultural genocide of Hindus due to an increase in racial profiling, stigmatizing, and bullying.”

Finally, the hinduphobic statement by TS “Wahab and Dalit rights activists faced harassment and threats of rape and death for their anti-caste advocacy,”  is reprehensible. It was our side that faced threats at the Cupertino City Council meeting on July 18th, 2023. Mr. Milind Makwana was pushed and threatened leading to a fatal heart attack that evening. www.HinduAmerican.org/Milind


Exhibit 1.30 

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 8:25 AM

Subject: LA Times October 2nd 2023 by Jeong Park “A United front in Fresno to ban caste-based bias” https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-09-30/in-fresno-sikhs-and-oaxacans-unite-to-pass-caste-discrimination-ban

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

SB 403 will destroy lives. Applying this legislation to Oaxacan Americans on the basis of ‘castas’ is inappropriate. Castas means ‘social stratification,’ while the Sanskrit meaning of the word ‘caste’ is the ‘Varna’ social system. Varna means the ‘inherent aptitude of an individual’ which is universal.  Using the Sanskrit word ‘Jati,’ the colonizers created ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ castes and added more jati-s (castes) into a fabricated Dalit category. As expected, it provoked discrimination among the indigenous people. This outcome was suitable to the colonizers’ agenda to divide and rule the indigenous people of India (Bharat). Of note, Bharat was later renamed ‘India’ by the colonizers.  Scheming of the ‘caste system’ by the colonizers continues to be overlooked. Many Academics know the truth yet remain silent to perpetuate the onslaught upon Hindu religion. The world mistakenly continues to associate the ‘caste system’ as a Hindu practice.  


*Caste is not Hindu by Guruji Raj Anartha et al. notionpress.com/ 2022 (available on Amazon)

. **ChatGPT Difference between Casta and Caste

Exhibit 1.29

——— Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 6:21 AM

Subject: Invite LA Times to a Virtual Webinar by CoHNA (Coalition of Hindus of North America) “Busting Myths of India’s Oppression of Its Minorities” Saturday July 29th. 2023 10 am PST

To: shani.hilton.com <shani.hilton@latimes.com>, laurel.rosnenhall@latimes.com <laurel.rosenhall@latimes.com>, hannah.wiley@latimes.com <hannah.wiley@latimes.com>, mackenzie.mays@latimes.com <mackenzie.mays@latimes.com>, Chabria, Anita <anita.chabria@latimes.com>, Yasin, Sara <sara.yasin@latimes.com>, Hector.Becerra@latimes.com <Hector.Becerra@latimes.com>, terry.tang@latimes.com <terry.tang@latimes.com>, kevin.merida@latimes.com <kevin.meridia@latimes.com>, Soon-Shiong, Dr. Patrick <patrick@latimes.com>, Marshall, Gail <gail.marshall@latimes.com>, <readers.representative@latimes.com>, letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>, Kraft, Scott <scott.kraft@latimes.com>

Dear LA Times Columnists and Editorial leadership team

On behalf of CoHNA (Coalition of Hindus of North America) this email is to invite the LA Times journalists to the timely webinar “Busting Myths of India’s Oppression of Its Minorities” on Saturday July 29th, 2023 at 10 am PST. See the flier below for details. 

Come hear what the young Muslims of India have to say by registering at the link below. 

Thank you.


Exhibit 1.28

On Sun, Sep 3, 2023 at 10:10, Geeta  wrote:

Re: Los Angeles Times – eNewspaper

Dear Editor 

We American Hindus are enraged by Coverly’s callous and flagrant disregard for Hinduism. He has shown a Hinduphobic Comic in your newspaper. He depicts a Hindu Goddess with ten arms elbowing her fellow passenger on a flight.  Was this an overt or a covert attempt to insult our Hindu religion? Is the Times going to offer an apology to its Hindu readers? Is the Times going to fire its cartoonist Dave Crowley? Hindus are facing an increasing assault on their very existence along with an unprecedented Hindu hatred. Does the ethics committee of the LA Times permit the Times to stoop so low as to attack Hinduism and its deities?  I hope not. Or is this the beginning of the cultural genocide of Hindus?


In response to Exhibit 1.28,  Responses were received from John Canalis, Assistant Editor and Anh Do, Readers Representative at LA Times

On Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 19:50, Canalis, John

<john.canalis@latimes.com> wrote:

Hello Geeta

Let me echo Anh’s apology for any offense that this comic strip caused in your community. We are going to refer this matter to our standards committee for additional review and guidance on possible next steps. In the meantime, we encourage you to send a letter to the editor expressing your disappointment. The email address is letters@latimes.com. Anh and I do not decide which letters are published — that department is autonomous from ours — but we will alert those editors that a letter may be coming.

In the meantime, our staff is discussing the issue with a great deal of sensitivity and will, of course, be more mindful going forward.



On Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 1:39 PM Readers Representative <readers.representative@latimes.com> wrote:

Hi everyone:

We apologize for publishing the “Speed Bump” panel that ran on Sept. 2nd. We continue to be committed to being careful when vetting cartoons.

We buy “Speed Bump” and other comics from Creators Syndicate and for the future, are evaluating whether to include depictions of religious deities. We talked to our Hindu colleagues on staff and understood the issue. Thank you all for your thoughtfulness in sharing your insights.

Yours truly, Anh Do

Community engagement editor

On Sunday, September 3, 2023 at 4:35:05 PM UTC-7 Readers Representative wrote:

Thank you so much for sharing your concerns. We will review this and get back to you after the holiday weekend, Anh Do

Disappointingly, the above apology from the LA Times was not followed by a retraction of the speed bump comic as it should have been.

Exhibit 1. 26 (Invitation to the LA Times to attend the Dissolve Caste Consciousness Conference to become the Voice of Hindus)

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 11:42 AM

Subject: Important/time sensitive/Dissolve Caste Consciousness Conference/Become our Voice

To: shani.hilton@latimes.com <shani.hilton@latimes.com>, laurel.rosenhall@latimes.com <laurel.rosenhall@latimes.com>, hannah.wiley@latimes.com <hannah.wiley@latimes.com>, mackenzie.mays@latimes.com <mackenzie.mays@latimes.com>, Chabria, Anita <anita.chabria@latimes.com>, Kraft, Scott <scott.kraft@latimes.com>, Yasin, Sara <sara.yasin@latimes.com>, Hector.Becerra@latimes.com <Hector.Becerra@latimes.com>, terry.tang@latimes.com <terry.tang@latimes.com>, kevin.merida@latimes.com <kevin.meridia@latimes.com>, Soon-Shiong, Dr. Patrick <patrick@latimes.com>, Marshall, Gail <gail.marshall@latimes.com>, <readers.representative@latimes.com>, letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear LA Times Columnists and Editors/ Managers

Did you receive the invite to the upcoming conference “Dissolve Caste Consciousness” Conference from Convenor (castecon.com) scheduled this Sunday July 16th 2023 at the Fremont Event Center.

With the imminent passage of SB 403, we Hindu Americans living in CA, a microcosmic minority, are living in fear of being gaslighted by the CA legislature. This bill’s passage will lead to the cultural genocide of Hindus. Won’t you lend your voice to focus on the urgent need of Hindu-Americans’ in CA? Here’s why…..

  1. CA bill SB 403 was introduced by Senator Aisha Wahab in March 2023 on the basis of the Cisco caste discrimination case (now dismissed) and a flawed survey claiming caste discrimination in CA by Equality Labs (EL). 
  2. This flawed survey was conducted by Senator Wahab’s anti-Hindu friend Thesomie Sounderajan, Executive Director of EL, an anti-Hindu for-profit corporation. 
  3. Claiming caste discrimination exists in CA, this fraudulent survey by EL allowed foreigners to participate by providing them a San Jose zip code. 
  4. We Hindus are not casteist as evidenced by there are no police reports of Caste discrimination in the US. We welcome the state’s efforts to curb all types of discrimination.
  5. Existing laws already cover caste discrimination under the ancestry category. This bill is non-facially neutral, thus it is a fundamentally unconstitutional bill with a hidden agenda to defame Hindu society.
  6. Passage of SB 403 will lead to diverse consequences for Indian-Americans in CA particularly Hindus because 18 dictionaries define Caste as “inherently Indian, rooted in Hindu teaching” leading to racial profiling and discrimination by employers in their hiring practices.
  7. Employers won’t like to hire Indians (Hindu names) attributed to their caste baggage.
  8. Following the passage of SB 403 there will be dire consequences for Hindu school children such as increased bullying.  Their teachers will be looking  up their caste in a book based on their last names leading to their classmates labeling them as oppressors and subsequent bullying. This was also done in the Cisco caste case by the CA Civil Rights Department (CRD) by looking up the defendants’ last names. 
  9.  Cisco employees Sundar Iyer and Raman Campanula had their reputations and lives ruined over the past 3 years attributed to the Caste discrimination allegations case against them by the CA CRD.  And guess what? Recently the case was withdrawn by CRD due to lack of evidence. In fact, CRD hid the evidence. The job was rightfully offered to another Dalit, while CRD claimed a Dalit named “John Doe” was denied the job promotion because he was a Dalit. And while CRD knew this, yet it hid this important piece of evidence. 
  10. Status of SB 403: Unfortunately, the bill has good optics like an attractive bumper sticker. Despite substantial opposition, legislators (Senate Judiciary committee and Senate floor, Assembly Judiciary committee) have intuitively voted in favor of the bill. This is due to an absence of a deep dive on the part of the legislators. It is doing HARM to the Indian American community especially Hindus. 
  11. On July 5th, an elderly Sikh gentleman Shri Satnam Singh ji testified in the Assembly Judiciary Committee. I was there. He said “ This bill is like honey with poison wrapped inside.” 
  12. Could we fight this bill for our children, grandchildren and our future generations? Else, they will be ashamed to call themselves HINDUs. The passage of this bill will lead to the cultural genocide of Hindus in CA. 

In closing, the ‘Human Rights Activists’ have been shouting about Caste, the ‘Politicians’ have been making pronouncements about Caste, the ‘Lawyers’ have been making judgements about Caste, the ‘Journalists’ have been writing reams about Caste, the ‘Teachers’ have been teaching about Caste …..the only voice which has been denied a platform, a group which has not even been consulted, are California’s American Hindu citizens, a microcosmic minority that is being targeted by this legislation.

To become our voice and to take a deep dive on this issue, please register virtual or in person for the upcoming conference at    “Dissolving Caste Consciousness” at castecon.com in Fremont, Sunday July 16th, 9 am to 5 pm. Thanks in advance. 


Exhibit 1.25

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 8:13 AM

Subject: Rebuttal letter to LA Times by Ricken Patel “Why is Biden silent on Modi and India’s slide toward autocracy? June 20th 2023 https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2023-06-20/biden-modi-india-us-autocracy-democracy-repression/

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

Patel’s article reeks of hinduphobia and hindumisia because he has callously omitted the recent conclusion that India is a liberal pluralistic democracy by a new Pew Research Center report on “Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation”?   Was this a covert act to sell an agenda-driven false narrative about India?  False reporting of anti-Hindu, anti-India, anti-Modi hate propaganda has led to a 59% increase in hinduphobia (local NBC station). Second, based on sloppy research and possibly intentional deceit, India’s democracy ranking was lowered recently with a malicious intent Indian Democracy at 75: Who Are the Barbarians at the Gate?  The V-Dem in a new report has gone so far as to claim that Afghanistan enjoys more academic freedom than India.  Finally, is the western media going to stop such agenda-based false narratives about India? 


Exhibit 1.24

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Thu, May 4, 2023 at 9:11 AM

Subject: LA Times OP-ED May 1st, 2023 “Is God on the side of blasphemy laws?” by Nicholas Goldberg Page A11 https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2023-05-01/blasphemy-religion-law-pakistan-execution/

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Cc: Kraft, Scott <scott.kraft@latimes.com>, Yasin, Sara <sara.yasin@latimes.com>, Chabria, Anita <anita.chabria@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

 Kudos to the Times for highlighting Pakistan’s religious intolerance due to its draconian blasphemy laws, impacting Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, and other minorities.  https://www.votervoice.net/mobile/HAF/Campaigns/92222/Respond

Could the Times also highlight the “unintended consequences” of a current California State Bill SB-403 with intent to amend the anti-discrimination policy by adding caste as a protected category? If passed, the bill violates the civil rights of South Asians and other people of color, denies them equal protection, and  subjects them to disproportionate racial profiling.  A scientific survey Social Realities of Indian Americans: Results From the 2020 Indian American Attitudes Survey – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace established that caste discrimination is rare in the United States. Importantly, it criticized the flawed methodology of the Equality Labs Survey data, attributed by Senator Wahab for introduction of SB 403. The bill is not “Facial Neutral” and aims to target South Asian communities and other minorities. 


Exhibit 1.23

From: Geeta 

Date: Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 12:38 PM

Subject: Response to LA Times/ 2-22-2023 “Seattle becomes first city to ban caste discrimination” by Associated Press

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Cc: Kraft, Scott <scott.kraft@latimes.com>, Yasin, Sara <sara.yasin@latimes.com>, Chabria, Anita <anita.chabria@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

 I am an advocate against casteism. ALL types of discrimination, even caste discrimination is illegal in the United States. Seattle has taken the wrong step to combat casteism. First, the passage of the caste-based discrimination law has now institutionalized bias against all Americans of South Asian ethnicity.  The law targets a specific group of people (South Asians) as the potential perpetrators.  Second, a scientific survey titled Social Realities of Indian Americans: Results From the 2020 Indian American Attitudes Survey – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace established that caste discrimination is rare in the United States. Importantly, it criticized the flawed methodology of the Equality Labs Survey, used by councilmember Sawant to support the need for this anti-caste legislation. The Seattle city council is clearly in violation of the very policies it intends to amend. 


Exhibit 1.22

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Sat, Feb 4, 2023 at 12:43 PM

Subject: Re LA times January 28th 2023 “Cross India March for Unity” by Parth MN

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

 Dear Editor

Your article makes a brief mention that while Gandhi and his elite associates slept in luxury vans, his non-elite party workers slept on mattresses on the floor, at temperatures below 40 degrees. Mr. Gandhi is no match for Indian Prime Minister Modi. First, under Mr. Modi’s leadership,  India’s economy has been outpacing most others over the past year putting India on a path to close the gap with China. Last fall, India surpassed the United Kingdom to become the world’s fifth-largest economy, and recent estimates suggest that its current policies and growth rates will make it the third-largest national economy in a decade or so.  Second, the new Pew Research Center report on “Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation”  concluded India is a harmonious multicultural democracy. Third, this empirical evidence from Pew must put a closure to the false narratives about India slipping into anarchy, majoritarianism and authoritarianism.


Exhibit 1.21

——— Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Sun, Feb 5, 2023 at 6:10 AM

Subject: LA Times 2-4-2023 article by Ahmet Kuru “How blasphemy laws are used to serve political ends” Page A 11 https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2023-02-03/pakistan-blasphemy-law-muslim-countries/

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

 Dear Editor

Kuru’s assessment is spot on that criminalizing blasphemy is more political than it is religious and may ultimately contribute to Islamophobia with three caveats. First, Muslims in Kashmir have not experienced persecution because they are the majority (not a minority as falsely stated by Kuru). *

Second, it is the minority Hindu community (Kashmiri Pandits), that were brutally ethnically cleansed from Kashmir since 1989 by the majority Kashmiri Muslims and militant Islamic groups aided by Pakistan. *

Third, false allegations of blasphemy in Pakistan have led to the persecution of Hindu, Sikh and Christian minorities with prison sentences, abduction, rape, forced conversion, and forced marriages of minority girls. At least 1000 minority girls suffer such sex slavery every year in Sindh province alone. The latest instance of the brutal rape and murder of a Hindu Bheel woman in Pakistan is yet another proof of the pitiable condition of Hindu minorities

* Sheenie Ambardar, MD (a Kashmiri Hindu-American) Letter to NY Times 8-28-2019 Share this article.


Exhibit 1.20

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta

Date: Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 8:20 AM

Subject: LA Times January 10th 2023, Shashi Tharoor “Where is America’s missing ambassador to India?” Page A 11 https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2023-02-03/pakistan-blasphemy-law-muslim-countries

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

Kudos to Tharoor for short-listing “Cooperation on Islamic terrorism between India and America” as a priority because the jihadist sympathizers have launched an anti-India and anti-Hindu hate campaign* in the West, despite India being declared a thriving multi-cultural democracy by a new Pew Research Center report on “Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation.”  Second, the Biden administration and the FBI experts need to urgently diversify their threat assessments at home. ** Recently, when Trevor Bickford’s mother called police in Wells, Maine, with concerns about her son’s “growing obsession with Islam,” Wells police captain Gerald Congdon notified the FBI, which purportedly placed Bickford on its so-called Guardian Watchlist. That didn’t stop him from allegedly attacking NYPD officers with a machete on New Year’s Eve in an attempt to “carry out jihad,”  a reminder that White Supremacists are not the only threat at home.  The Biden administration must get its act together soon.  


** https://www.meforum.org/63996/another-reminder-that-white-supremacists-arent


Year: 2022 (Nine Rebuttals) 1.11-1.19

Exhibit 1.19

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Fri, Dec 9, 2022 at 10:41 AM

Subject: Los Angeles Times December 6th 2022 article by Parth MN ‘Journalists fear for future of news in India’ https://www.pressreader.com/usa/los-angeles-times/20221206/page/1/textview/

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Cc: Kraft, Scott <scott.kraft@latimes.com>, Soon-Shiong, Dr. Patrick <patrick@latimes.com>, Chabria, Anita <anita.chabria@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

I am outraged at Parth’s false allegation that journalists fear for the future of news in India. First, when billionaire Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post in 2013, why was no concern expressed about the future of news in the United States? In fact, Bezos recast himself as an old-media savior. Is it because a left liberal bias only translates to an anti-Hindu bias?  Second, Rajdeep Sardesai, a liberal Indian journalist and a staunch critic of the Modi Government, recently said, “Media in India is as free today as it was before” in a television interview he moderated for ‘India Today’ publication.  

Finally, I’m sick of reading these vitriolic anti-Hindu, anti-India rants demonizing India under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi, thus perpetuating Hinduphobia. Anti-Hindu Disinformation: A Case Study of Hinduphobia on Social Media  Please could you STOP?


Exhibit 1.18 

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Mon, Dec 19, 2022 at 7:59 AM

Subject: 12-18-2022 LA Times “A bad year for autocrats, but democracy isn’t safe” by Doyle McManus

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

I don’t believe that India’s democracy is not doing well. Recent research shows Indian Democracy at 75: Who Are the Barbarians at the Gate?  that the negative ratings of Indian democracy published by the three major democracy rating organizations reek of sloppy research and even intentional deceit. https://www.opindia.com/2022/11/india-wrongly-portrayed-as-a-fascist-state-by-global-media-australian-sociologist-dr-salvatore-babones/  First, allegations that the number of journalists killed in India is the highest figure for any country failed to consider India’s population of 1.4 billion, which after adjustment, shows that killings of journalists in India are substantially lower compared to the world. Second, figures suggesting an increase in sedition charges to quell dissent are not supported by data. Finally, claims that Prime Minister Modi’s party oppresses India’s Muslim minority are flawed because 19% of India’s Muslims voted for it in the most recent elections versus 49% of Hindus. Balanced reporting is a battle that still remains to be won. 


Exhibit 1.17

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 5:36 AM

Subject: Re LA times November 4th, 2022 Page A 11 Op-ed “Israel’s embrace of illiberalism” by David Myers and Daniel Sokatch

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Cc: Kraft, Scott <scott.kraft@latimes.com>, Yasin, Sara <sara.yasin@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

I am appalled at Myers and Sokatch for falsely classifying India’s Prime Minister Modi as a leader of an “illiberal democracy in which majority rules with little or no consideration for the rights of minorities and the rule of the law.”  I urge them to read the  new Pew Research Center report on “Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation”   survey. It found that the majority of minorities (89% of Muslims , 89% of Christians, 82% of Sikhs, 93% of Buddhists, 85% of Jains) felt free to practice their religion as did  91% of the overall Indian population. Makes me wonder if there is a covert attempt by the western media to subvert the findings of this Pew Research Center Survey to continue its agenda of perpetuating its false anti-Modi, anti-India and anti-Hindu narratives*.



Exhibit 1.16 

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta

Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 7:04 AM

Subject: Re LA Times August 15th, 2022, “My Hindu community must fight India’s injustices” by Akhila L Ananth

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

It is appalling that Ananth did not do her homework before spinning her web of lies about India. Had she examined the new Pew Research Center report on “Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation,” she would have learnt that 89% of Muslims felt free to practice their religion, as did 91% of Hindus, 89% of Christians, 82% of Sikhs, 93% of Buddhists, 85% of Jains and 91% of the overall population in India? The Pew survey covered nearly all of India’s states, conducting face-to-face interviews of 30,000 adults in 17 languages during 2019 and 2020.  The LA Times must STOP its vilification of Hindus and of Prime Minister Modi and provide balanced reporting in future.


Exhibit 1.15

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 7:25 AM

Subject: 11-25-2022 Los Angeles times article by Anita Chabria “California takes lead in coming to grips with hate” Page A1 and A6.

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Cc: <anita.chabria@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

Kudos to Chabria for revealing that Anti-Jewish/Anti-Asian hate crimes and the hate attacks on the LGBTQ community are for real. Revealed by a recent Rutgers study, we Hindus have also woken up and understood that Anti-Hindu hate is real, and happening in front of our eyes.   https://www.rutgers.edu/news/rutgers-report-finds-increase-anti-hindu-disinformation/. Furthermore, it revealed how white supremacist and 4chan genocidal Pepe memes about Hindus are being shared prolifically within extremist Islamist web networks on messaging service Telegram and elsewhere.  Anti-Hindu Disinformation: A Case Study of Hinduphobia on Social Media 

Could the Los Angeles Times report the findings of this Anti-Hindu hate revealing study?  One of the most concerning aspects of hate crimes against us Hindus is that we have been left out of the conversation. Silence is violence.


Exhibit 1.14

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta  

Date: Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 8:59 AM

Subject: LA Times 11-8-2022 “Musk fans the hate flames on Twitter” by Anita Chabria Pages B1 and B6

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

I applaud the Times and Chabria for reporting for the first time that hate crimes against Hindu Americans have increased by 59% from 2020 to 2021. While Chabria blames the far right, it is the far-left western liberal media that has perpetuated the anti-India, anti-Hindu narrative. For example, the western liberal media has subverted the publication of the new Pew Research Center report on “Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation”. It revealed that the majority of the religious minorities felt free to practice their religion, (89% of Muslims  89% of Christians, 82% of Sikhs, 93% of Buddhists, 85% of Jains) compared with 91% of the overall Indian population.

I urge Chabria to read the recent study* conducted by Rutgers University pointing to strong evidence of online Hinduphobia. Of note, this study was published prior to Musk’s takeover of Twitter.  


Seems, we Hindus are truly caught between the rock and the hard place.


Exhibit 1.13

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Geeta
Date: Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 11:00 AM
Subject: LA Times April 23rd 2022 by Joshua Pederson “Are you playing the “who gave me COVID blame game? It’s not healthy” https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2022-04-23/covid-pandemic-infection-blame-philosophy/
To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

I had to calm down before writing in reaction to Pederson’s false allegations blaming India’s Prime Minister Modi for delaying India’s report regarding its correct death toll from COVID.  Pederson should have told the whole story regarding India’s objections to the wrongful methodology used by the WHO.  For example, the WHO used mortality figures directly obtained from Tier –I sets of countries, with a mathematical modeling process for Tier II countries such as India.  Thus, the WHO’s statistical model’s projected estimates do not fit India because of its larger population (1.3 billion) in comparison with smaller countries (e.g., Tunisia). If the model is accurate and reliable, it should be applied to all Tier I countries. India has communicated its strong objections to the WHO through several letters, in-person, and virtual meetings.  WHO has yet to respond and provide the confidence intervals for the present statistical model across various countries?  



Exhibit 1.12

———- Forwarded message ——–

From: Geeta 

Date: Sun, Mar 27, 2022 at 7:31 AM

Subject: Re LA Times March 22, 2022 “US formally marks genocide of Rohingya” by AP

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

I agree with the Times that recognizing genocides of the past are essential to preventing violence now and in the future. Another clear example of a genocide that deserves formal recognition by the United States government, was conducted by the Pakistani Army in Bangladesh (then referred to as East Pakistan) https://www.hinduamerican.org/1971-bangladesh-genocide/ On March 25, 1971, the Pakistani military began a 10-month campaign of genocide and killed approximately three million Hindu- Bengalis and Muslim-Bengalis, as well as Christians, Buddhists, and other religious groups. By November 1971, 10 million Bengali refugees, primarily Hindus, had fled to India as they were the specific target of the Pakistani military. At least 200,000 Bengali Hindu women and others had been raped by the Pakistani military. By acknowledging this genocide, the United States and other governments could lead the way to hold the Pakistani military accountable for their crimes. https://hindupost.in/world/bangladesh-citizens-hold-protest-to-mark-genocide-remembrance-day%EF%BF%BC/


Exhibit 1.11 

Re: Los Angeles Times March 8th 2022 “India’s future as a secular state is in jeopardy” by Parth MN and David Pierson 

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta  

Date: Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 1:39 PM

Subject: Los Angeles Times March 8th 2022 “India’s future as a secular state is in jeopardy” by Parth MN and David Pierson https://enewspaper.latimes.com/infinity/article_share.aspx?guid=11db5201-a4f0-423a-9aec-ec0e799cd7a0/

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

This appalling one-sided article about India’s secular democracy being under threat makes several claims that are not based on the facts. 

1. Yesterday, the Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina (a devout Muslim) expressed gratitude to India’s Prime Minister Modi for rescuing its Muslim citizens from Ukraine.  (swarajyamag.com)

2. In December, the Yogi government rightfully arrested the speakers of the anti-muslim “hate speech” and they remain behind bars.

3.  Many Muslim leaders give hate speeches frequently targeting Hindus such as the “Owaisi brothers” in Hyderabad, India.

4. The Muslim population in India grew from 10% in 1947 to 15% in 2021. On the contrary, in Pakistan, the Hindu and Sikh populations decreased from 10% to under 3% due to genocide and forced conversions.

5. Genocide and ethnic cleansing of Hindus from Kashmir despite Hindus are the original inhabitants of Kashmir.



Year: 2021 (Five Rejoinders) )1.6-1.10 

Exhibit 1.10

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Mon, Dec 27, 2021 at 1:40 PM

Subject: L A Times 12-26-2021 India’s oppressed had this point of pride, now marred by D Pierson and Parth MN

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

This article is a perfect example of propaganda that weaves half-truths into a whole lie to spread Hinduphobia.  The authors falsely state that the caste system dates back to more than 2000 years ago and is based on Hindu texts. This is a dangerous lie because the caste system was in fact created by the British Colonialists on January 4th 1844. *  They used it to exploit Hindu society by creating discord while they ruled over India for over 200 years.   The literal translation of the word “Caste” is not found anywhere in the Indian language.  “Varna” (found in the Indian language) means the “vocation of an individual or a family.”  “Varna” is similar to the dynamic Vocational Classification System practiced in the United States such as serving in academia, agriculture, janitorial, military, spiritual and other services.  

* Caste, Conversion and Colonial Conspiracy. 2020 Author Pt. Satish Sharma MBCS, FRSA  www.castebomb.com 


Exhibit 1.9 

From: Geeta Sikand <gsikand@gmail.com>

Date: September 24, 2021 at 8:59:12 AM PDT

To: letters@latimes.com

Subject: LA Times Noah Bierman’s 9-24-2021 article “Harris broaches human rights in historic talks with India’s Modi”

Dear Editor

I am a forty year reader of the LA Times. I am appalled that Noah Bierman’s LA Times coverage of Indian Prime Minister Modi’s visit regarding religion and human rights was totally remiss.  He omitted key findings of the new Pew Research Center report on “Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation.”  This survey examined the religious identity, nationalism and tolerance in Indian society under Modi’s leadership. A key finding was that 89% of Muslims felt free to practice their religion, as did 89% of Christians, 82% of Sikhs, 93% of Budhists, 85% of Jains and 91% of the overall Indian population.  Conducted in 17 languages, it covered nearly all of India’s states and union territories with face-to-face interviews of 29,999 adults during 2019 and 2020 – prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.  It behooves the LA Times to provide balanced reporting!


Exhibit 1.8

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Thu, Jul 1, 2021 at 7:02 AM

Subject: LA Times June 30th 2021 “Idyllic island life ends when India sends a new boss” by Pierson and Torgalkar https://enewspaper.latimes.com/infinity/article_share.aspx?guid=341b2457-a374-45d1-9be0-93f12a572103/

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

Allegations by Pierson and Torgalkar in their witch-hunt statement “Under the Modi government, Muslims have been marginalized in a country where they make up 14% of the population” reek of bias.  A new Pew Research Center report, based on a face-to-face survey of 29,999 Indian adults fielded between late 2019 and early 2020 – prior to the COVID-19 pandemic – examined the religious identity, nationalism and tolerance in Indian society. The survey was conducted by local interviewers in 17 languages and covered nearly all of India’s states and union territories.  A key finding of this in-depth exploration of public opinion in  “Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation” is that a majority of religious minorities (89% of Muslims 89% of Christians, 82% of Sikhs, 93% of Budhists and 85%  and 91% overall  population felt free to practice their religion. Interviews for this nationally representative survey were conducted from Nov. 17, 2019, to March 23, 2020. 


Exhibit 1.7

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Tue, Jun 8, 2021 at 9:48 AM

Subject: 6-5-2021 LA Times Op-ed Opinion “Living and Dying with COVID in India’s Caste System” by Mona Mohan https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2021-06-05/pandemic-deaths-india-cremations/

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

I felt the pain described in the op-ed article by Mohan, but blaming it on India’s “Casteism” is a deliberate attempt to mislead the reader by creating a false anti-Modi/anti-India narrative. The author rightfully describes the disparity in access to health care between the haves and have-nots in India but it is NOT based on Casteism. Furthermore, the Government of India has set aside specialized quotas for giving preferences to people of lower caste to attain jobs and also college-admissions including in the fields of medicine and engineering. Of note, starting from elementary school through college, all education in government institutions is free of cost to the have-nots irrespective of caste because it is subsidized by the Government of India.


Exhibit 1.6

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta Sikand 

Date: Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 5:13 AM

Subject: Re 4-28-2021 LA Times Op-Ed “The hubris behind India’s Covid Surge” by Shashi Tharoor

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

I am offended that Shashi Tharoor’s opportunistic “Modi-bashing” article at a time of India’s COVID national crisis did not mention the recent “Farmers Protests” that were fueled by Tharoor’s Congress Party. For months,  the protestors wore no masks and did not observe any social distancing during COVID.  It is shameful that Tharoor is hiding the truth that one year ago, the Modi government gave each state permission to manufacture their own oxygen. Would the LA Times consider investigating Shashi Tharoor’s alleged association with the murder of his wife Sunanda Tharoor?


Year: 2020 (Three Rebuttals) (1.3-1.5) 

Exhibit 1.5

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 10:47 AM

Subject: LA Times November 26th 2020 “Indian State’s conversion law targets interfaith marriages” https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2020-11-25/india-uttar-pradesh-outlaws-religious-conversion-marriage/

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Cc: <readers.representative@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

As a Hindu, I was dismayed to read the one sided anti-Hindu anti-Modi rhetoric in the LA Times. Why can’t the media present a balanced view?  The problem is that when a non-muslim woman and a muslim man fall in love, there is a lot of pressure from the muslim man and his family to convert the woman to Islamic faith.  Further, the children of this union are expected to exclusively follow the muslim faith. This situation has caused a lot of marital difficulties for the non-muslim women who have married muslim men.  Of note, the Hindu religion respects all faiths as different paths to the same goal and does not seek to convert anyone. 

Would the LA Times want to do some research on this subject? See link below. 



Exhibit 1.4

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Tue, Nov 3, 2020 at 8:58 AM

Subject: Re 11-2-2020 LA Times Op-Ed Page A 11″The slide toward Autocracy” by Michiko Kakutani https://enewspaper.latimes.com/infinity/article_share.aspx?guid=d86ee588-b63d-4a5f-899b-c9fc476812cf/

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Cc: <readers.representative@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

I was sickened to read that Michiko Kakutani has maligned Indian democracy and Prime Minister Modi without looking at the facts.  India remains a secular and inclusive nation.  In India, all religious minority groups have grown in numbers since 1947 when India was partitioned into India and Pakistan. Whereas, if one looks at the population records of Pakistan, due to forced religious conversions and killings, the population of Hindus, Sikhs, Christians and Jains has dwindled to 2%* from 22%* in 1947.  By passing India’s 2019 Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), Modi’s government has given refuge to thousands of Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Christian refugees who sought asylum in India due to religious persecution in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.  In light of these facts, the Times must stop maligning Prime Minister Modi at every opportunity.  




Exhibit 1.3

——— Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta Sikand <gsikand@gmail.com>

Date: Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 11:39 AM

Subject: LA Times 3-22-2020 “Experts fear India could see a devastating virus outbreak” by Sheshank Bengali and Parth M.N.

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Cc: <readers.representative@latimes.com>, Thornton, Paul <Paul.Thornton@latimes.com>

As a Hindu American reader, I am deeply offended by several inaccurate and anti-Hindu statements by Bengali and Parth. See below.

1. Column 1 Paragraph 1, lines 5-6: 

Current statement: the mythological birth place of god Ram. 

Recommendation: Delete mythological. We Hindus believe it is a fact.

Correct statement: the birth place of god Ram. 

2. Column 3 Paragraph 3, lines 17-20:

Current statement: Hindu extremists in 1992 tore down a mosque, setting off one of the worst eruptions of communal violence in India in recent decades.

Recommendation: Provide a balanced background of the temple-mosque controversy between Hindus and Muslims.

Correct statement “Hindu extremists in 1992 tore down a mosque that was built by the mogul Emperor Barber by tearing down an existing Hindu temple dedicated to god Ram.  

Bengali and Parth should do balanced research and refrain from consistently offending Hindu sentiments.


Year 2019: I submitted two rejoinders to the LA Times (1.1 and 1.2)

Exhibit 1.2

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta 

Date: Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 2:45 PM

Subject: Re LA Times Editorial “India’s power grab in Kashmir” August 9 th 2019 Page A 10 (https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2019-08-08/kashmir-autonomy-india-modi

To: letters@latimes.com <letters@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

I was very disappointed with the inaccuracies portrayed about India by the LA Times Editorial Board.  

Revoking Article 370 was within full compliance of the constitution of India and of the constitution of Kashmir. It was done with approval from the Indian parliament. Both houses of parliament gave bipartisan support in massive numbers to the passage of the Bill. The Kashmir issue is India’s internal matter. India is a democracy. The Kashmiri Pandits (Hindu minority) have long been subjugated as second class citizens.  They have been living as refugees outside of Kashmir.  India is a nation of laws and Prime minister Modi is India’s “Abraham Lincoln.”   


Exhibit 1.1

         From: Geeta Sikand 

Date: May 25, 2019 at 7:18:13 AM PDT

To: “letters@latimes.com” <letters@latimes.com>

Subject: LA Times May 24 2019 “Big win for Modi, religious nationalism” by Shashank Bengali and Ashish Malhotra https://www.latimes.com/world/la-fg-india-election-results-20190523-story.html

Dear Editor

I am appalled that Bengali and Malhotra had nothing positive to say about Prime Minister Modi. Kudos to Prime Minister Modi for his courageous decision in 2016 to enact an anti-corruption measure by demonetizing the Indian Rupee thereby taking a huge risk with his political career. While Modi’s bold step was good for India, it was bad for a majority of Indians irrespective of religion because they were hoarding black money to avoid paying tax on their income. Corruption in India was like a foot infected with gangrene that had to be amputated by demonetization. Modi had the courage to do it for many reasons such as bankrupting the terrorists who were hoarding black money and using it against India. Demonetization also burst the bubble of a booming real estate market where Indians were paying half the money in cash (black money) and half in white, thereby avoiding payment of taxes.


Exhibit 2.0: Op-ed piece submitted to the LA Times, titled  “Will Governor Newsom Veto SB 403 to Stop the Gaslighting of Hindus?” It was rejected.

———- Forwarded message ———

From: Geeta Sikand 

Date: Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 2:27 PM

Subject: Op-ed submission to LA Times/Time sensitive

To: <oped@latimes.com>

Dear Editor

See attached time sensitive op-ed submission “Will Governor Newsom Veto SB 403 to Stop the Gaslighting of Hindus? ” 


Will Governor Newsom Veto SB 403 to Stop the Gaslighting of Hindus?



 We Californians of Hindu Faith are feeling deeply offended.  Despite significant opposition from many Hindu stakeholder organizations, SB 403 (Caste discrimination bill) blazed through the Senate and Assembly and was sent to Governor Newsom for his signature.  To date, there has been no semblance of a debate or a discussion. Governor Newsom has until October 14th to sign it or veto it. Clearly, SB 403 will foster discrimination instead of curbing discrimination.  https://religionnews.com/2023/05/17/why-california’s-caste-discrimination-bill-is-itself-discriminatory/

 Although SB 403 appears to be a compassionate bill, appearances are deceiving! Its passage will make for a bad law! Being a  discriminatory, xenophobic bill, SB403 will have dire consequences for people of color in California. Hindu Dalits have already suffered because of SB-403. The Ambedkar-Phule Network of American Dalits and Bahujan’s (APNADB) is a vibrant and inclusive community for Dalits and Bahujan’s of all ages and genders. APNADB founder Milind Makwana collapsed from a heart attack in front of his young children mere minutes after testifying against SB-403 in Cupertino. His heart couldn’t take the stress of yet another colonial caste law. He died that day.  

 First, Hindus vehemently share the admirable goal of standing up for civil rights and eliminating all forms of prejudice and discrimination, including ancestry-based. However, we strongly oppose SB-403 because it is not facially neutral. It will lead to the unconstitutional denial of equal protection and due process to 528,000 Californians of Hindu faith. So, why were facially neutral alternatives not considered?  https://www.hinduamerican.org/press/california-caste-bill-maligns-south-asians/

 Second, SB-403 unfairly maligns, targets and racially profiles select communities. For example, persons of Hindu faith will receive disparate treatment, thereby violating the very laws it seeks to amend. It violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the US and California State Constitutions. Further, it violates California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act (California Civil Code Section 51) https://www.dor.ca.gov/Home/UnruhCivilRightsAct by adding a new form of discrimination that targets a select community. https://www.dor.ca.gov/Home/UnruhCivilRightsAct/

Third, the term ‘caste’ has roots in Colonialists-ruled Indian era, a Portuguese concept imposed by foreign invaders to subjugate indigenous people of the Indian subcontinent. The continued application of this term to define American children of Hindu heritage perpetuates a historical stereotype, causing significant damage to their mental health and identity formation. Research underscores the adverse impacts of such stereotyping and bias on the youth. The paper “The Influence of Ethnic Discrimination and Ethnic Identification on African American Adolescents’ School and Socioemotional Adjustment” by Wong et al., (2003), underscores how negative ethnic stereotypes adversely impact students’ academic performance and emotional wellbeing. Similarly, “Stereotype Threat and the Intellectual Test Performance of African Americans” by Steele and Aronson (1995) demonstrates the detrimental psychological effects of negative stereotypes on marginalized communities. https://bit.ly/47lK4iH. #BullyingPrevention

Finally, the question is not whether we should deal with any allegations of caste discrimination, but how? Isn’t having debates and discussions the logical approach?  It is shocking that stakeholders such as many leading Hindu organizations (Hindu American Foundation (HAF), Americans for Hindus (A4H), Hindu PACT, Hindu Action Project, Coalition of Hindus of North America (CoHNA) were not formally invited to this conversation! An earlier version of SB-403 that they wrote stated that caste systems come from South America, Africa, and Asia. The bill said nothing about the European caste system that came from white people forced on Global South colonies – and still doesn’t. In other words, Black and brown worldwide people are being blamed for the caste systems white colonizers forced on Black and brown people worldwide. It targets only non-whites!  https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/indian-americans-stage-peaceful-rally-against-legislation-on-caste-based-discrimination/article66705394.ece

In summary, SB 403 violates the equal protection clause. Caste itself is a colonial word from Portuguese word Casta – however the https://cohna.org/sb-403/ absolves all whites of European and North American descent from being subject to this category and targets only Asians, Africans etc.! This has been called out as one of several unconstitutional items in the bill by legal experts. The British used caste to mis-interpret indigenous civilization and codified it as part of divide and rule. It is appalling to see California following this neo-colonial divide and rule strategy. I can prove it.

 It is now up to Governor Newsom to prevent the gaslighting of California’s  Hindus. Governor Newsom must consider the unintended adverse consequences of the passage of SB 403. If gender identity is considered “fluid” then why is “caste” considered immutable? Ask Gov. Gavin Newsom to Veto SB-403


1. https://www.hinduamerican.org/press/california-caste-bill-maligns-south-asians/

2. https://www.patheos.com/blogs/dharmalens/2023/06/faith-country-caste-new-survey-highlights-american-misunderstandings/

3. Preliminary Thoughts on Potential Constitutional Flaws in SB 403, a California Proposal to Prohibit Caste Discrimination. https://verdict.justia.com/2023/05/16/preliminary-thoughts-on-potential-constitutional-flaws-in-sb-403-a-california-proposal-to-prohibit-caste-discrimination?fbclid=IwAR1fISUrKX8dD3BtVV1SKZ3DSlP3wAfJF82S-xz_pr_JWwd9aWj-QhWNCq4

4. SB-403 Is Caste a Dog whistle term? https://indiawest.com/california-sb-403-is-caste-a-dog-whistle-term/

5. https://twitter.com/SenBrianJones/status/1657053771481100290?s=20

6. https://cohna.org/survey-american-understanding-caste/

7. https://religionnews.com/2023/05/17/why-california’s-caste-discrimination-bill-is-itself-discriminatory/

8. https://organiser.org/2023/04/27/171324/world/hinduphobia-in-west-thousands-of-indian-american-come-together-to-oppose-the-proposed-california-caste-bill-sb-403/
9. https://twitter.com/SenBrianJones/status/1658156286201167873?s=20
10. https://indiacurrents.com/why-i-oppose-senator-wahabs-sb-403-caste-bill/
11. https://cohna.org/california-lawmakers-vote-no-sb-403/
12. https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/indian-americans-stage-peaceful-rally-against-legislation-on-caste-based-discrimination/article66705394.ece
13. https://twitter.com/SuhagAShukla/status/1643993601112948741?s=20
14. https://www.pgurus.com/indian-americans-send-a-clear-message-to-california-senate-drop-sb-403-it-is-unjust/
15. https://www.independentnews.com/mailbox/sb-403-sets-a-dangerous-precedent/article_f963ea20-e450-11ed-9ce0-afee742777b9.html
16. https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/04/20/opinion-caste-bill-would-harm-california’s-south-asian-communities/
17. https://twitter.com/RichaGotham/status/1658449529748987904?s=20

18.  To learn more about SB-403 – https://cohna.org/sb-403/

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