Explained : Hinduism and Hindutva

Hindutva and Hinduism are two facets of the same eternal idea, embodying the philosophical and practical dimensions of a singular ethos. Hinduism, as a profound and ancient philosophy, extends beyond mere belief systems, offering a holistic worldview. Hindutva, as its practical expression, translates this worldview into a way of life. These are not distinct constructs but interconnected aspects of the same civilizational legacy, each reinforcing the other.

Historic Evidence of Unity in Hindu Philosophy and Practice

The Vedic texts, which are among the earliest records of Hindu thought, emphasize a unified vision of life. The Rig Veda proclaims, “Ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti” (“Truth is one, sages call it by different names”), underscoring the inclusive and integrative essence of Hindu philosophy. This universality is at the core of Hindutva, as it seeks to operationalize these principles in society, fostering unity while respecting diversity.

Throughout history, India has demonstrated a cohesive cultural identity rooted in dharma, despite political divisions. The Mauryan Empire under Ashoka (3rd century BCE) exemplified the practical application of Hindu principles, such as non-violence (ahimsa) and welfare-oriented governance. Ashoka’s rock edicts reflect values that align with the essence of Hindutva—upholding moral and spiritual responsibility as the foundation of governance.

Similarly, during the Gupta era (4th–6th century CE), considered a golden age of Hindu civilization, Hindu philosophy inspired advancements in science, art, and governance. The integration of spiritual wisdom with practical life during this period further illustrates the seamless connection between Hinduism and Hindutva.

Scriptural Support for Practical Application

The Bhagavad Gita, a cornerstone of Hindu philosophy, emphasizes the importance of action (karma) rooted in dharma. It teaches that spiritual principles must be enacted in daily life to achieve harmony and societal welfare. Hindutva embodies this directive by ensuring that the timeless values of Hinduism are lived and expressed in every aspect of human activity.

Manusmriti and other Dharmashastra texts provide guidelines for societal organization based on dharma, aiming to establish order and harmony. While modern interpretations of these texts have evolved, the essence remains the same—practical structures of life that uphold spiritual values. Hindutva channels this ancient wisdom into contemporary contexts, ensuring its relevance and applicability.

Evidence of Cultural Continuity

India’s unity predates colonial rule and political consolidation. Ancient epics such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata, revered across the subcontinent, have served as cultural cornerstones, shaping collective identity. The sacred geography of India, from the Himalayas to the Kanyakumari, has been celebrated in texts like the Vishnu Purana, which describes the land as “Bharatvarsha”, a unified entity where dharma prevails. This continuity of sacred space reinforces the idea that India’s unity is rooted in its civilizational ethos rather than mere political boundaries.

Furthermore, Adi Shankaracharya’s establishment of four peethas (monastic centers) in the north, south, east, and west of India during the 8th century CE symbolized the spiritual and cultural unity of the land. These centers not only preserved Hindu philosophy but also facilitated its practical dissemination, embodying what is now understood as Hindutva.

Hindutva as a Response to Misinterpretation

Hindutva emerged as a necessary articulation of Hinduism’s practical dimension, particularly in response to colonial and post-colonial misrepresentations. The British attempt to define Hinduism as a rigid “religion” akin to Abrahamic faiths ignored its fluid and encompassing nature. Hindutva corrected this narrative by emphasizing Hinduism as a way of life rooted in shared civilizational values.

Leaders such as Swami Vivekananda highlighted this unity, proclaiming that India’s greatness lay in its spiritual heritage. Vivekananda’s call to awaken the practical dimensions of Hindu philosophy resonates with Hindutva’s emphasis on societal application.

Governance and Economic Models Inspired by Dharma

India’s governance and economic models historically derived from dharmic principles. The Arthashastra by Chanakya provides a pragmatic guide for statecraft grounded in ethical governance. Unlike Western ideologies imposed during colonial rule, these indigenous frameworks harmonized spiritual values with material progress, embodying the essence of Hindutva.

Deendayal Upadhyaya’s doctrine of Integral Humanism revisited these principles, advocating for an economic and political model aligned with India’s cultural ethos. This approach emphasizes holistic development, blending spiritual wisdom with practical needs, echoing the ancient dharmic vision.

The Misconception of Partition and Civilizational Continuity

The partition of India was rooted in the flawed assumption that the subcontinent lacked inherent unity. However, history and philosophy reveal otherwise. India has always accommodated diverse paths of spiritual exploration without losing its core identity. Even as Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism emerged, they were seen not as divisions but as extensions of the dharmic tradition. Hindutva reflects this inclusivity, upholding the civilizational continuity that has defined India for millennia.


The narrative of Hindutva and Hinduism as separate entities fails to recognize this seamless integration of thought and practice. Hindutva ensures that Hinduism’s timeless wisdom remains a living reality, guiding society and governance while preserving the unity and diversity that define India’s unique identity. This interconnection is not just an intellectual argument but a historical and scriptural truth that continues to shape the nation.

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