Q1: How long does it take for my submission to be approved or rejected?

It usually takes up to three business days, but we aim to decide sooner. If your submission is still pending after three days, please contact us with details.

Q2: Why was my submission rejected/deleted?

We try to publish submissions based on editorial guidelines, but some submissions may not meet our editorial guidelines. Please double-check that your article aligns with them.

Q3: Why wasn’t my article shared on social media or featured on the homepage?

Our editorial team has the final say on social media shares and homepage features. Please allow us that discretion.

Q4: An article seems plagiarized. What can I do?

We trust our contributors but also do basic checks. If you find plagiarism or other issues, please contact us with details and we’ll investigate.

Q5: Can I edit or delete a published article of mine?

Normally, no. Review your work carefully before submitting it. Only in special cases with a justified reason will we consider changes or deletion. Contact us with details for review.

Q6: Can I edit or delete someone else’s article?

No, but you can write a counter-argument meeting our guidelines, especially if the original article has wrong claims. We might add a link to your counter-argument to the original article in rare cases.

Q7: How can I contact you?

Message us using this contact form.

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