Hindus in Bangladesh Traumatized, Fear Genocide Following Military Coup

Chances are high that a piece of clothing you bought from Target, Nike, Levi Strauss, Adidas, Tommy Hilfiger, or other retailers was made from the sweat of Bangladeshis including Hindus living there. Now they are bleeding and need our help. This country is going through a tragic patch (hopefully a short one) and its minorities, Bangladeshi Hindus, are at the receiving end of violence since the country descended into violence in the last few days.


Several international news agencies and outlets (Reuters, New York Times, BBC, Fox) have reported on the violence against Bangladeshi Hindus, who are a minority (just 8% of the population).


The sharp decline of the Hindu population in Bangladesh, from approximately 28% in 1941 to roughly 8% in 2011, is not a natural demographic shift. Instead, it is the tragic outcome of decades-long systematic persecution, including targeted violence, forced conversions, and state-sanctioned discrimination. This stark decline constitutes a pattern of ethnic cleansing aimed at eradicating the Hindu presence in the country.


The recent violent attacks are across the country targeting Hindu temples, businesses, homes, and individuals. On August 5 alone, more than 40 homes have been vandalized and looted. Many homes were set on fire resulting in deaths and injuries. 14 Hindu temples and 5 businesses were attacked by mobs of Islamic fundamentalists, which resulted in robbery, arson, and injuries.  


On August 5th, Lakshmi Saha, a Hindu resident of Lalmonirhat Zila in the Rangpur Division, saw her house vandalized and set on fire by Islamic fundamentalists in Tin Dighir Par. Simultaneously, in the same district, Arjun Roy faced looting and arson at his shop and temple, orchestrated by extremist elements. Meanwhile, in Feni Banshpara, Chittagong Division, a Hindu grandfather’s tea shops and confectionery shop were burnt down. Further attacks were reported in Dariyapara, Sylhet, where Jamat Islami members attacked a Hindu household.


Ayn Sarkar was kidnapped and beaten in Mazhibari, Bachaiya, Palakhal Union, Kachua, and Chandpur. Shovon Sarkar was threatened with attack and extortion in Noyakandi, Monpura, Kadla, Ward 9, Kachua, and Chandpur. Multiple Hindu families in Kadamtala, Chandpur, were attacked. A Hindu household in Bhattapara, Amirhat, Haldia, Rauzan, was set on fire.


These are just a few examples of how the Hindus are being persecuted today. The Hindu and other minority communities in Bangladesh are traumatized and in desperate need of help. They fear an imminent genocide as marauding mobs are hunting for Hindus everywhere.


A home is supposed to be a place that brings Peace, comfort, and Safety to one. That home has turned into a dangerous war field for millions of Bangladeshi Hindus. We are appealing to the international community and the US government for support and urge the interim government led by Mohammad Yunus, military leadership, and law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety of all of Bangladesh’s minorities, protecting their businesses, homes, and places of worship in this time of turbulence. We implore Mohammad Yunus and the interim government to act urgently, save lives, and give precious peace a chance that Bangladesh deserves!  

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