Man charged with hate crimes for attacking, robbing more than dozen Bay Area Hindu women

With a number of Indian holidays coming up, spreading awareness is crucial, according to the Hindu American Foundation.

Lathan Johnson, a 37-year-old man from East Palo Alto, has been charged with over a dozen hate crimes targeting older Hindu women of Indian descent. He allegedly stole gold jewelry from his victims, some in their 50s and 70s, while they wore traditional attire. The attacks lasted two months, causing physical injuries and emotional distress.

District Attorney Jeff Rosen and the Hindu American Foundation both condemned the acts and highlighted the importance of prosecuting anti-Asian hate crimes. They urged potential victims and witnesses to come forward.

Johnson faces a maximum sentence of 63 years and remains in custody with no bail. His next court date is set for November 4th. The community expressed fear and vulnerability but also gratitude for the DA’s actions and called for greater awareness to protect vulnerable populations.

This article was originally published here:


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